from disempowered to
Demystifying the whole process of keeping your finances visible!
How do you feel about your relationship with money?
As a child I hated Maths. I always felt like the thick one.
A previous controlling relationship gave me zero money freedom.
My previous business left me with so much money, fear, guilt and shame.
So I created a course, designed for people just like me, with their own money stories.
To support them to become confident, and to go from 'not knowing' to 'being fully aware' and totally M-Powered about their money.
Our money stories do not define us, they give us the experiences and lessons we need to take back our power. The key to a sustainable, profitable business is KNOWING your numbers. Raising your Money Frequency!
"I loved Kelly’s M-Powered course! I’ve had a thing about numbers for years, and never got on with them. Avoiding them a lot if I’m honest! But after watching this course, I now view them completely differently. I’m still implementing what I learned in the course - I’m a work in progress! But it was fun, practical and I now have a better understanding, and I’m more confident with them. I can see this will really help me see any financial pitfalls before they arise, and in doing so give me back my (M)Power!! Thanks Kelly"
Helen Price - Holistic Business Mentor
Introducing the Visibility Cash Sheet
Why visibility is essential. Taking responsibility. The Money Map exercise. Your energy and money. Your relationships with revenue, liability, profitability and cash-flow forecasting. Using Crystals to raise your money frequency.
Knowing Your Numbers
NEW Earth Business® entrepreneurship demands revenue, to drive even greater iMPACT through growth. Being honest with how you feel about money in your business. Creating new habits. Implementation of your new knowledge and the exact steps to becoming financially M-Powered. It is the best investment for both you and your business.
Learning what Revenue is
When growing an online business, it can be a 'chamber of many secrets'. In this module you'll learn about the different types of revenue, and what they mean to you and your business. It will help you take responsibility for making informed decisions; to positively support your business growth.
Understanding Expenses, Profits and Loss
It's easy to spend money on your business before you've earned it. You will learn the basic principles of bookkeeping. The importance of keeping everything visible. An introduction to using the 'Visibility Cash Sheet' and understanding easily when your business is profitable or not.
Understanding Liabilities
The basics of your Tax liabilities, thresholds, and how to use the 'Visibility Cash Sheet' to safely save your Tax contributions, which will support you to avoid any unhealthy surprises at the end of your financial year. This module will also help you to confidently plan forwards, knowing exactly where you are in your business, and when to register for VAT. Avoiding any change of liabilities and giving you time to plan ahead in your business.
Paying yourself
Not just what you need to 'survive'... The mindset shifts from employee to being self-employed. Drawing your wage. Your income goals and how to work towards them. Understanding your business profitability or loss, and how to efficiently manage your finances positively rewarding you with a fulfilled and profitable lifestyle.
Using Your Visibility Cash Sheet
Simple, easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, detailing exactly how to use your new 'visibility cash sheet'. A great tool to integrate daily into your business, to accelerate your business growth.
Using Your Cash-Flow Forecast Sheet
Simple, easy to understand, step-by-step instructions, detailing exactly how to use your new 'visibility cash-flow forecast sheet'. A great tool to drive an increase in generated profits, showing you what's possible through Intention + Action = Accelerating your Business Growth!
Let's also learn Cash Flow Forecasting
Understand your long-term financial goals, and what your income potential is for the year ahead. A powerful training focussed on your products, target sales, monthly/annual revenues, creating a 'forecast' of what's possible in your business. A shift from where you are today, and what's possible.
Step away from the Fear!
The importance of being Pro-Active as opposed to Re-Active. This final module is a reflection of all the steps that will take you from feeling overwhelmed, stuck, or dis-empowered to being M-Powered with your money journey. We all have blind spots in our business, visibility is KEY.
"I highly recommend everyone in business do this course!
I've always avoided looking at numbers, and the thought of it brings back math's traumas from school! I felt very taken care of, supported and lovingly guided to understand ALL the areas where I need to focus and take care of money in my business. I was transported to all the yucky places I didn't want to go to, like how to avoid nasty shocks with tax bills by being prepared. How to deal with lower months in business, and why cash forecasting is so important and how to do it so we feel supported.
I could literally feel the internal shifts and aha's happening. There's great attention to detail in this course, but it's very simple to understand and implement. Kelly's blend of nurturing and honest talk about the importance of getting intimate and working WITH and understanding cash flow in my business fueled me with such excitement.
I LOVED that she brought her crystals into the space, which felt so healing, and nothing I've ever heard of in any other money courses"
Become M-Powered for just £33
Is this for me?
The M-Powered course is designed for start-ups, solopreneurs, those who don't have clarity or understanding of their finances. 0 - 6 Figures... There are no limits as to who this course can help.
Old Beliefs
You will learn how to step away from fear or feeling stuck. Breaking through any resistance, with greater clarity and the exact tools and frameworks to be able to feel confident in life and business about your money story once more!
The Rewards
It's time to take back your power!
* No more "I need to earn X to cover my bills..."
* No more avoidance or guessing games when it comes to spending money...
* Step away from the fear of the unknown, or fear of your accounts, it's time to feel fully M-Powered and become Financially Free.
What will I learn?
You will learn about your business profitability, and how to confidently understand how to manage your cash flow and how to apply cash flow forecasting. Keep all your business finances VISIBLE!
Other Benefits
Finally, everything becomes crystal clear with your finances. You'll have everything in one central place. To be able to make informed, short and long term, SMART business decisions. Rewarding you with optimised financial growth and financial sustainability.
"I have been in business for 30+ years. I've never had quite such useful tools presented in this way. If you are just starting out, it will take much of the worry away"
Gayle Palmer - Osteopath, Living Elements Clinic
Kelly Vikings is an Energetics Growth Strategist for visionary leaders. Utilising her 18+ years of experience, empowering visionary new world leaders to achieve unparalleled success, by designing a life and business that's inspired by Soul, powered by Purpose, Performance and Profitability.
Kelly is the founder of NEW Earth Business®. She is revolutionising the way we do business!
Mixing high-performance business strategies with powerful energetic practices, an equal balance of divine feminine and masculine energy, to help high-achieving visionaries. New paradigm embodied leaders, activating their path to 6-7 figures and beyond...
The Conscious Embodiment Method® runs through the core of Kelly’s work, cultivating a deep integration of self-trust, intentional and conscious leadership, embodiment of the soul’s energetics, emotional resilience and learning of how to direct your new inner power.
You can work with Kelly in three ways - High touch One-to-One Mentoring Programmes | The Collective 6/12 month Group Business Mastermind | Soul Energetics® Practitioners' Certification, which is Kelly's own powerful modality.