~ Kelly Vikings ~
"This is so much more than a 6-Month Business Mastermind!
A mix of high-level Business Strategy with Powerful Energetic Practices to help
High-Achieving Visionaries and Leaders activate their path to 6+ figures and beyond. This is a journey of togetherness... of Soul, Strategy and Spirituality"
Creating a scalable revenue model that
rewards you with flow, abundance and ease.
We dance in the fire with fear, no longer sacrificing ourselves, steering away from anything that lowers our inner peace or disrupts our New Earth soul mission.
It's a safe, safe haven. You get so much energy and support. All the energy that you work on is building a strong foundation to grow your business!
" Revolutionising how we collectively do New Earth Business®"
Hello Beautiful Soul, let's check to see if you're in the right place?
~ You know your Soul calls you to be of service, to create or drive impact, that goes way beyond you. It is your Earth's Soul Mission.
~ You are searching for a group Mentoring Programme that shares with you the exact steps you need to achieve your Souls Mission.
~ You know, or have heard of Numerology, Human Design, and Energy Practices and you know the incredible power of working with a mentor who recognises your unique Soul Energetics.
~ You recognise Every step of your journey is unique. You want to learn how to de-condition any old programmes, by doing Deep energy clearing and healing, whilst learning NEW Earth ways to grow your business to see your life and business grow exponentially.
~ You desire connection, financial success, and accelerated growth in your business, and you want to continue to deepen your spiritual gifts, and integrate them into your Divine Business.
~ You don't want anything to stand in your way. You know the time is now!
Creating Collective iMPACT through Soul
There are so many advantages to joining THE Collective. Imagine where you could be in just 6 months...
Just imagine having access to...
~ An Accredited Business Mentor IAPC+M and CPD approved, who has achieved exactly what you desire, who will share the exact steps, plus energetically aligned, high performance strategies, and frameworks to advance your 6 figure+ business.
~ A Business Mentor who's also a qualified Energy Practitioner practicing the Conscious Energy Clearing Method and Atlantean Energy Codes, working with 15 Chakras to raise your Energy Field Frequency.
~ A Mentor who sees into your Soul, a Psychic who encourages you to deepen your Divine gifts, weaving Alchemy into all aspects of your very being, and business.
~ A Resident Certified & Accredited ICF Coach, fortnightly Conscious Development® Group Coaching, to support the needs of individuals' personal development.
~ A Collective of other ambitious, Soul-Driven Entrepreneurs, having a Mentor who supports you to embody your unique energetic design, and accelerate your path to your next level of business.
~ Knowing your numbers, a mentor who prioritises having awareness, responsibility and high frequency, when it comes to building a profitable business. From dis-empowered to M-Powered, you will rise above any money fears.
~ Implementation workshops. As a Collective we learn and implement new trainings together, a monthly 3 hr workshop, to get sh*t done together!
~ All of these truly incredible benefits that have been refined over time to create a beautiful Collective of growth and expansion.
Everything you need to discover your Next Level in Soul Business Success®.
"Weaving multi-dimensional strategies to grow & scale your NEW Earth Business®"
~ Kelly Vikings ~
I'm growing and transforming at a rate, I couldn't have dreamed of.
It's the best thing I've ever done for myself, joining The Collective. A whole-istic adventure of growth and expansion creating the consciousness architecture needed to support this.
Ruth Mitchell
Embodied Energetics® UK
When woman come together, they can MOVE mountains.
This Mastermind is a safe and sacred space to grow, with soooo much LOVE.
Johanna Stjerndahl
Crystal Whisperer
Your path to Soul Business Success®
The Collective
An Intimate Group Mentoring Programme that goes beyond 6 months of Journeying Together.
Choose the option that’s right for you*
*From the 1st February, all payments will have VAT added at the checkout
Stepping into Heart-Set and Trust-Set Leadership
What makes The Collective unbelievably delicious?
It's not just another Business Mastermind...
Kelly is an Energetic Business Strategist. Her Mentoring encompasses your unique Energetic design centred on your Human Design, Numerology and Gene Keys.
Through planning workshops, Kelly creates your own specific growth plan, supporting you weekly, monthly and quarterly, to achieve all key business objectives and maximise opportunities.
Here's a breakdown of what's included...
~ Accountability Posts & Prompts to support your 30/90 day planning
~ Tech Support Posts & Prompts to support you to move forwards in your business
~ Conscious Development® ICF Accredited Coaching to support your continual personal development and raise your consciousness
~ 60 Min Group Mentoring Calls Two levels of mentoring. Rising is aimed at start-ups. Frequency is for those in Growth and Scale mode
~ Self-Study Trainings
~ 3 Hour Implementation Workshops
~ 30 Day/90 Min Planning Workshops
~ Believe in Yourself Group Mentoring and Accountability
~ Frequency Codes® Conscious Energy Clearing
~ Advanced Atlantean Energy Healing Atlantean Energy Codes
~ Guest Experts Opportunities to learn from other experts
~ 2 Hour Quarterly Review, Plan, and Strategy Workshops
Twice yearly
~ NEW Earth Business® LIVE Events Access to meet in person and join these one/two day pass events, with opportunities to speak, network, and connect with other NEW Earth Business® Leaders
***Along with our private FB community, and access to Done for You Services, to make sure nothing stands in your way***
Move with Energetics and Strategy
NEW Earth Business®
To give you an idea of how a *typical month's group mentorship will look
*Times may be subject to change. This is set on a monthly cycle. Please note all recordings of LIVE Sessions will be available for replay in THE Collective Portal
Week One
Conscious Development® Group Coaching
Wednesday 10:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Rising Group Mentoring
Tuesday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Frequency Group Mentoring
Wednesday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Advanced Atlantean Energy
Thursday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Week Two
Monthly 3 Hour Workshop
Tuesday 10:00gmt - 180 mins Zoom
Believe in Yourself
Thursday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Week Three
Conscious Development® Group Coaching
Wednesday 10:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Guest Expert
Tuesday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Frequency Energy Codes
Thursday 12:00gmt - 60 mins Zoom
Week Four
30/90 Day Planning Workshop
Tuesday 12:00gmt - 90/120 mins Zoom
Week Five
Integration and Embodiment
Opportunity to catch up on any Self-Study and Replays.
A journey that extends beyond 6 months,
lasting a lifetime...
Journey of Accelerated Soul Business Growth
When you become part of The Collective you are signing up to a journey of self-mastery, and in doing so, unleashing your soul’s highest potential. You may feel, for the first time, that you finally know who the f^ck you are!
When you tap into your energetics, you immediately activate and create greater inner peace, balance, flow, and increased frequency by knowing how your unique soul’s energy supports you in life, business, and throughout your spiritual journey.
Knowing this allows you to stop sacrificing parts of you whilst on your life and business journey, and supports you to nourish a calmer nervous system. Meaning you drive success, without burnout, exhaustion or overwhelm.
As you enjoy your journey of expansion, you create Cosmic Flow and an increase of light frequency. This is a powerful way to drive your business forward.
Aligned Growth Pathway
This is a group mentoring programme, however, you will create your own growth pathway. You will have many opportunities to ask me Questions and receive what will feel like intimate 1:1 mentoring, plus everyone learns from you, as you will from them. We will all rise with newfound wisdom and knowledge.
With the mentoring calls, you will receive incredible energy shifts, remove growth blocks, and together we will overcome, or find solutions to anything that stands in your way!
Through support, strategies and resources, you will be able to put your wellbeing first and protect your energy. You will prioritise your growth goals and enjoy, through discipline and accountability, achievement and rewards!
To support you on a deeper level, self-study training modules and additional resources will be delivered regularly to your training portal. This will help support you to grow your audience, to create aligned strategies such as sales and marketing, alongside launch plans, writing sales pages and creating client pathways. All things leading to you optimising your business growth.
Initiate your NEW Earth Frequency
Learn how to optimise and drive your business
A business model designed to respond to your clients, to flow in alignment with your energetics and to create a stream of new opportunities, will optimise your business growth. Having strong foundations, marketing, sales strategies and automation will drive continued sales.
In The Collective, you'll learn to design an efficient sales model, that integrates your own Signature Suite. A signature product, service or even modality of your own. This adds strength to your expert authority.
It uplevels your credibility an increases revenue from sales, by updating and refining your current systems, processes and operations by bringing them into alignment, creating space to alchemise new energy. It also builds continued momentum, which drives increases in sales.
All of the above are ways to drive new and increase revenue streams into your business, which rewards you with a healthy return on your investment from joining THE Collective.
Advanced Energy Healing to cleanse and calm your soul
The Collective will support you to embody and integrate both Advanced Atlantean Energy Healing, and the Frequency Codes® Subconscious Energy Reprogramming into your sacred practise. You enjoy being able to do regular work, supporting a calmer nervous system, a purified light body and higher personal frequency.
I was initiated by Alana Fairchild, after studying the 'The Kuan Yin Transmission', integrating the presence of our five enlightened mothers, Kuan Yin, Isis, Mother Mary, Tara and Kali. Embodying your inner Goddess, ultimately, encourages you to discover your greater confidence to create, to attract a soul-aligned business with success and ease. I pass this wisdom on through the golden threads of THE Collective.
As a qualified Human Design Consultant, Numerologist, and someone whose life and business success has greatly benefited from these cosmic modalities. Our energy is to be respected, honored and protected. I weave your personal cosmic energy and energetic strategies to create a much deeper layer of balance, flow and harmony into your life and business. Supporting you to step fully into your power, nurturing a healthy nervous system, supporting you to consciously respond to the many cycles of your life.
I also encourage you to set boundaries to support you to step out of cycles that no longer serve you, that may limit your business success. Focusing on creating an efficient, successful business model that creates space to magnetise your dream clients, serving them from a place of presence which is deeply grounded and connected.
Mastering the art of receiving, MONEY flows and both you and your business thrive, you will work deeply on this energy, clearing old beliefs and internal narratives, releasing any shame, guilt and anything that stops you from fully stepping into your genius!
The Collective gives you Intimate Group Mentorship
Confidently creating a space for you to shine and reconnect to who you are at your Soul's highest expression, with the depth of mentoring, business training, planning and accountability, you will flourish. This creates less stress, ensures you aren't sacrificing yourselves, and increases the flow of abundance and ease in your lives.
My desire is for you to feel so incredibly aligned, like never before, in flow, and feeling everything coming together for you, as you continue to upgrade your business. Turning over more profits for you to eventually invest back into your business to create a team, and even more impact with peoples' lives, elevating and impacting humanity!
Having access and support with design systems, structures, accountability, and a lovely energy with other people that really connect with you. Along with weekly accountability, tools, proven methods, to create your own modality, frameworks, methods that will support you to grow your business exponentially.
The NEW World is changing, your magic is needed to elevate light and frequency and nothing should stop you from shining, your soul's truth, creatively transcending light and love to the world.
This 6 month journey is a beautiful journey of expansion for creatives to fully step into their power, integrate their Divine Gifts and learn how to underpin this with a sustainable business that is mostly automated, generates a healthy income and allows you to do the things you love!
Testimonials, read what my clients say...
F'king Amazing & THE Best Mentoring Group Ever!
The Collective is so much more than I ever expected.
It's an amazing combination of business strategy, learning modules, accountability, implementing, and best of all, a connected community of wonderful humans who are growing together personally and professionally.
Stephanie Lee
Together WE Rise!
The Collective is the only community where I've really felt and experienced that to be true! 'Together WE really do Rise'.
Having that safe, non-judgmental space, and Kelly's amazing insight and ongoing support, has enabled me to grow and evolve so much as a person and an entrepreneur.
Sarah McKenna
Your Soul Sparks
Inside The Collective you will experience...
A journey that leaves an imprint on your soul..
A sacred space, created exclusively for you, and The Collective. A journey of togetherness, and a journey of energetics, soul-aligned strategies, and accelerated growth that are felt in the heart, and impact all aspects of your life, business and spiritual journey, leaving an imprint on your soul for many lifetimes.
Unlocking your highest potentiality...
Working with your individual energetic design is so powerful. To have a mentor that sees into your soul, and recognizes how unique you are. Activates incredible breakthroughs that impact every aspect of your world.
A Mentor who weaves Numerology, Human Design and the Gene Keys to create tailored step by step mentoring, supportive frameworks and integral strategies that all feel in alignment with your soul and the individual impact you are here to create through your work. All this contributes to optimising balance, flow, and accessing your highest frequency, tapping into your full potential and driving sustainable success.
Advance your business growth and enjoy the rewards...
Having access to quarterly, monthly, weekly, trainings, mentorings, and planning workshops, underpinned by accountability drop ins, done for you services, guest expert clinics, may not appear like much, however, in my own experience, they are EVERYTHING.
They contribute to accelerated growth, the type where you look back and wonder how you actually did it? It's not always going to be easy. After all, you are the one actually 'doing the doing'. Ultimately, the gold comes from realising what you have achieved, and seeing your work change lives, and the financial rewards roll in!
You won't recognise yourself in 6 months time...
Many of my clients, before we started working together, were held back by having a limited mindset, still holding onto old narratives, feeling stuck, or unable to shift their natural state of frequency.
What you are going to experience over the next six months, is a total shift in your energy. The energy editing, and healing work alone is worth every penny in my opinion!
Finally, you will have the opportunity to experience what's on the other side of everything that's held you back, to know how it feels to really thrive, at your highest frequency.
Why you will LOVE working with Kelly
Kelly Vikings is The NEW Earth Business® leader.
An energetic business strategist, mentoring highly ambitious, soul-driven entrepreneurs ready to embody their souls highest frequency, and divine gifts.
Kelly is the founder of NEW Earth Business®
Creating iMPACT through soul. A global movement that ignites the full potentiality in others, through Soul, Heart-Set and Trust-Set.
Awakening NEW Earth Leaders, Healers, and Creatives to lead from the heart, and step into their Higher Consciousness. Cultivating leadership of NEW World, that drives positive change in people’s lives. Changing the frequency of humanity and the world.
Kelly is a CPD, IAPC, accredited online Business Consultant. A certified Conscious Energy Clearing Method® Energy practitioner. Certified Numerologist, and Human Design Consultant. Atlantean Advanced Energy and Crystal practitioner.
Kelly mixes high-performance business strategy with powerful energetic practices to help high-achieving visionaries and leaders activate their path to 7+ figures & beyond. Her clients create Scalable Revenue Models that reward them physically, energetically, and spiritually. The unbelievable force of the Cosmos, Unique Energetics, and Soul Frequency.
The Collective is for you if...
~ You are ambitious and driven. Your Earth Soul Mission is to SERVE & create IMPACT.
~ You want access to business mentoring and other resources that will support your business growth.
~ You want simple, efficient, proven, step by step methods to accelerate your business growth.
~ Creating your own signature programme, framework, or modality is on your tick list.
~ You don’t want to feel alone on your entrepreneurial journey. You want to be part of The Collective, your Soul Tribe.
~ You feel anxious setting goals, planning, not anymore...
~ You love Numerology, Human Design and knowing your ENERGY is unique, this is what will drive your vision of success.
~ You won’t sacrifice any part of yourself, and want to step into your highest frequency.
~ You won’t sacrifice stepping out of alignment, you take risks and inspired action.
~ You don’t have an eye on your business finances, profit, salary, revenue, expenses, or cash flow forecasting, not anymore...
~ Tech and automation can hold you back, not anymore...
~ You want to build a successful, sustainable, and profitable business.
~ You're ‘DONE’ with old energy, old ways, and you’re here to build a NEW Earth Business®.
~ You finally want to realise your dreams and ambitions.
Why now is the perfect time...
If not now, when?
~ Visibility, Alignment, Authority, Automations, Recurring Revenue, you want them all! The time is now, no more just wanting them, insetad... we create, implement and SUCCEED!
~ You’ve worked with other mentors and felt let down. I've worked with other clients, and they didn’t do the work. Now can we start again, and actually support each other to grow your business!
~ Stuck in a job you don’t enjoy? Not taking advantage of unlimited earnings, because you're too scared to take the risk, or don’t feel supported?
~ You’ve taken the risk, and now you're hit with the reality of making money! Money can be earned with ease, learn how to before you quit.
~ Worried you will run out of money, it’s all B.S! Money is unlimited. It’s your mindset that can be limited, and how does that serve you? Time to switch the narrative.
~ The reality is you don’t know your numbers! It’s not because you’re stuck financially.
~ The energy you are creating from is OLD and doesn’t serve you, time to step into your ultimate frequency and energetic design.
~ Carry on like you are, and you’ll break! It’s time to tune into your Divine Feminine and balance the seasons of life/business with Cosmic Flow.
Excuses make today easy, but tomorrow harder...
What stops you, what holds you back?
Is there Trust?
~ Feel into this and first ask... can you trust yourself, and then... trust me, as your business mentor, to co-create a successful Soul-Aligned Business?
Is The Collective right for you?
~ This is about ENERGY and knowing if our energy is aligned. Check in and ask if you're ready to work with a Viking Warrior? Is a group mentoring programme right for you?
A lack of funds right now?
~ Sometimes the timing isn’t right. The full price starts at just £4,500. This isn’t an unreasonable investment in yourself or your business. I invest a considerable amount of money in mentoring and coaches. Growing a successful business will require you to invest in yourself, and your business. A good mentor/coach will pay off, and create a clear return on your initial investment.
Fear of worthiness?
~ It’s going to take a leap of faith in yourself. You won’t realise the person you are becoming, until you look back and see the continued growth. Where you are today is certainly not where you will be in 6 months, and we all started somewhere. Your Soul's calling is meant to take you outside your comfort zone!
What if I fail? What if you succeed?
~ I know many of my clients were scared to fail, and scared to succeed. One thing is guaranteed, if you don’t start today, how will you ever know?
"Be obsessed with the possibilities of your soul's highest potential"
More from my clients...
Kelly understands that we are all different.
The Collective has been a wonderful, supportive, and nurturing container that's filled with so much insight, knowledge and growth.
I have learned so much as a person, and a healer. I am now continuing my journey of learning with Kelly as I'm studying to become a Soul Energetics® practitioner this year too!
Tanyia Gunther
Healer + Intuitive Guide Australia
Seriously, I did not know that so much gold could be in one mastermind!
Being new to business, I have received so much insight, inspiration, knowledge, and learning to take away from Kelly and the beautiful Collective, who just keep giving. I can now embody and embed into creating my business, removing fear, uncertainty, and anxiety elements. I am so excited about the Femme Fire future that lies ahead! Oh Yeah!
Kath Elizabeth
Forces Transition to Freedom Coach UK
What's the cost of not taking action?
Imagine where you will be in 6 months time?
Question ~ I genuinely want you to consider exactly where you want to be in 6 months' time?
Consider a 30 minute switch off, go on! Take yourself off in nature, or quietly sit with your thoughts, around where you want to be in 6 months' time?
Ask some questions, check in with your highest self? Take time to build a decision on facts, not emotions, see what comes up? Does this help you to make a more informed decision?
Question ~ Can you achieve this alone?
Ask ~ Will The Collective feel supportive? Will you enjoy bouncing and reflecting ideas off of other driven, ambitious entrepreneurs?
Question ~ Am I compromising my health or wellbeing?
Ask ~ What would I like to change in the next 6 months, and will THE Collective support me to achieve this?
Question ~ What do I NOT have right now to grow my business, and do I have all the knowledge, resources, strategies to create a profitable business?
Ask ~ If I go it alone, how will NOT having access to The Collective impact my business growth, scalability and timeline to success?
Question ~ Do I work on my energy frequently?
Ask ~ Could energy work support my nervous system and personal frequency? How will this support me to grow my business and on a personal/spiritual level?
Question ~ How savvy am I with tech, automation, finances?
Ask ~ How would having support, help me to understand, and create better operations to develop my business foundations, improve my clients' journey and ensure I don't miss any blind spots in my business.
The time to join us is now!
The Collective
An Intimate Group Mentoring Programme that goes beyond 6 months of Journeying Together.
Choose the option that’s right for you*
*From the 1st February, all payments will have VAT added at the checkout
~ Bonuses Included ~
(only on purchases before and up to the 17.03.24)
Bonus One
Online Business Audit
(90 min Session)
Strategy & Foundations to create a productive growth pathway
(Regular stand-alone price £333)
Bonus Two
Psychic Soul Energetics® Reading
(Personal Report)
Human Design, Numerology, Gene Keys Reading
(Regular stand-alone price £444)
Bonus Three
Free Lead Magnet*
To support you to...
Grow and convert your audience!
To serve and retain clients!
*Optional Kartra Specific
Frequently Asked Questions
In case you have any questions, here are the most frequently asked...
The Collective is ongoing, doors are open. The maximum capacity is 20.
All group mentoring, self-study training, leadership/copy/tech clinics are via ZOOM calls. They can be accessed from anywhere in the world, and are stored on our members-only portal, where, if you miss the LIVES, you can catch up in your own time (It's your responsibility to do so). You will have access to this area through your paid membership in The Collective.
I'm based in the UK, all times will be scheduled in GMT / BST. However, to serve a global audience, the actual times of sessions to be scheduled may vary from morning, through the daytime and into the evening, in order to accommodate variations in time differences. The aim is to keep it fair for all.
Absolutely. To make my work more accessible, you can pay in advance (which gives you access to the best available prices), or for your convenience, by split payments of either 6 or 12 months. Strict terms and conditions apply to ensure full payment is met.
Please note - Split payments are not a subscription. Either option is a payment plan, and you must ensure that when you enroll and sign your digital contract (which will be forwarded to you, following placement of your order), you are able to fulfil the agreement each month. It will be a legally binding contract, so please make sure the payments are affordable.
Client refund requests are dealt with appropriately, clearly and efficiently. Reasonable steps are taken to make informed decisions as to any refunds made.
The terms and conditions include a standard 14 day cooling off period. If you change your mind before the end of the 14 days and serve notice, you will receive a full refund, minus any transactional fees that have already been deducted by our payment provider. This is to protect your consumer rights and give you consideration time when entering into any agreements.
If you are utilizing the split payment option, and for whatever reason, stop paying during the agreement term, your access to The Collective training portal and Facebook community will be on hold, until you are up to date with your payments.
Any outstanding payments not met on time will be followed up kindly, and if not resolved appropriately, may be forwarded to a third party for their consideration.
"Dedicate the next 6 months Exclusively to achieving your goals
Walking the path of a
Conscious Leader"