'Every Contribution Matters ~ Together
An invitation to become a founding member
The Network of Light
For New Earth, Intuitive, Impact-driven business leaders, who leave nothing to chance.
A network that places importance on collaboration and advancement of individual and collective growth. Together, we are committed to accelerating our frequency, influence and wealth.
The Network of Light is a catalyst for growth. That one conversation, one referral, or one event, could lead to that ONE opportunity! The power is infinite......
Launch price starts from £3,333* p/a for the first 10 founding members. The minimum annual equivalent will then rise and start from £4,444 *Applications open until midnight 15th June 2024
- Pay for the year, secure your annual (& ongoing) place.
- Pay quarterly, your place is secure for 3 months.
- Pay monthly (min 3), your place is secure for 3 months.
Invitation, or by application only. Only one person, shining the light per industry. An exclusive space where we can hear ourselves and be heard. A Gateway to Quantum Shifts.
- Monthly online Network of Light meet ups to leverage networks.
- Conscious space to co-work, reflect, ignite, share wins and challenges.
- Self-promote, do business within our network, where it feels aligned.
- Refer or recommend within.
- See the value of your network grow by supporting each other.
- Speaking opportunities on each other's podcasts, masterminds or events.
- We support each other from a place of alignment to get visible online, via email lists, and during our launches.
Central UK, Quarterly VIP Events in person. Paid experts will be invited in to up-level our business and collective knowledge... Content, Funnels, Brand Days etc.
*Nominal fees apply to cover venue/food expenses.
- Exclusive Retreats.
- Online Annual Summits.
- Annual 'Network of Light' recognition and rewards, to showcase your service to humanity rising.
"A network forged in trust, that cultivates connection,
inspiration and opportunities for unlimited collective growth"
High Imapct
Sacred Trust
Expand your Network
Promote & Refer Business
Individual Industries/Strengths
Authority Building Opportunities
Forging a Limitless Frequency.
Building Trust and Strong Collaborations.
Committing to Collectively Growing Forwards.
Embodied NEW Earth Leadership
Kelly Vikings is an Energetics Growth Strategist for visionary leaders. Utilising her 18+ years of experience, empowering visionary new world leaders to achieve unparalleled success, by designing a life and business that's inspired by Soul, powered by Purpose, Performance and Profitability.
Kelly is the founder of NEW Earth Business® and The Network of Light.
Mixing high-performance business strategies with powerful energetic practices, an equal balance of divine feminine and masculine energy, to help high-achieving visionaries. New paradigm embodied leaders, activating their path to 6-7 figures and beyond...
The Conscious Embodiment Method™ runs through the core of Kelly’s work, cultivating a deep integration of self-trust, intentional and conscious leadership, embodiment of the soul’s energetics, emotional resilience and learning of how to direct your new inner power.
Kelly will be overseeing everything personally to ensure all applications are carefully considered. The Network of Light is exclusive, but at our core, inclusive.